Tax Assessors

The Glascock County Board of Tax Assessors is appointed for fixed terms by the Glascock County Board of Commissioners. The County Board of Tax Assessors is responsible for determining taxability, value, and equalization of all assessments within the county. The County Board of Tax Assessors notifies taxpayers when changes are made to the value of the property; receives and reviews all appeals filed; and ensures that the appeal process proceeds properly. In addition, they approve all exemptions claimed by the taxpayer.

What we do:

  • Establish fair market value of all properties within Glascock County
  • Perform statistical analysis to ensure proper value compliance
  • Compile consolidation reports and worksheets (values and exemptions)
  • Calculate Millage Rate Rollback Forms
  • Forward digest amount to the Glascock County Board of Commissioners, school boards, and cities
  • Certify and submit digest to Georgia Department of Revenue (with the Tax Commissioner)

The tax digest consists of a listing of assessments and exemptions, including real and personal property, timber, mobile homes, motor vehicles, heavy duty equipment, and public utilities.

The Glascock County Tax Assessors Office establishes property values only; tax bill related questions should be directed to the Walton County Tax Commissioner.

Why we do it:

Assessing the value of property is vital to ensuring appropriate taxes are levied on property and that the County has the necessary funds to provide its citizens with needed services.

Current Board Members:

Don Hilson - Chairman, Billy Wasden, and Barbara Swint

Information on property tax returns, homestead exemptions and agricultural exemptions, which are due by  April 1 of the current year, is available at the Georgia Tax Center

74 E Main St
Gibson, GA 30810